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Tax Services

Being an individual, a small or medium sized entity or a large enterprise, you are for sure facing the challenges brought about by the changing tax landscape and ongoing reporting obligations. Your attitude towards financial matters must have surely changed!


At RADIX we have a team of tax specialists, bringing over 12 years of experience in the local and international tax field, advising an array of clients established in different industries whilst addressing their specific concerns.


RADIX helps you plan your investments, establishing the right structure whilst remaining tax compliant! The below are the list of services which RADIX can offer in the income tax and VAT area.

Corporate International Tax Services


Our tax team consists of professionals with a legal and accounting background who provide a holistic service to our internationally based clients both from a compliance and advisory point of view, and in a manner that is highly technical in content, and practical to implement.


Specialist tax advice


Aligning tax strategies with your business goals should be a primary objective of any entrepreneur. We can provide you with specialist tax advice to achieve the optimal corporate structure, having regard to your worldwide effective tax rate.


Our team can assist with:

  • Direct and indirect tax advisory solutions;

  • Tax efficient structuring solutions;

  • Ensuring maximum tax treaty benefits;

  • Assistance in communicating with the Maltese Revenue;

  • Seeking tax confirmations from the tax authorities;

  • Tax implications of certain investments;

  • Investment holding vehicles;

  • Substance requirements, and

  • Real estate tax planning and indirect tax considerations.


Tax compliance services

More rigorous and coordinated enforcement by the tax authorities continues to be a great challenge faced by all businesses.


Our team will help you face this challenge with confidence by providing you with the following tax and VAT compliance services:


  • Structure implementation and compliance

  • Ensuring the necessary tax registrations;

  • Applying for Malta’s tax refund system;

  • Ensuring full tax deductibility;

  • Assisting with foreign tax credits;

  • Applicability of available fiscal incentives, whether related to intellectual property, R&D, IT or any other eligible activity, and

  • Tax accounting compliance.


Employee tax services

As companies grow employment related matters also increase in their complexity. We will ensure that you are fully complaint, whilst at the same time benefitting from out tax expertise. Our team can assist with:


  • Income tax registration upon relocation;

  • Visa requirements and residency permits;

  • Employment/trade permit requirements;

  • Cross border tax planning/treaty analysis;

  • Tax planning for senior executives;

  • Advice on the introduction of share option schemes;

  • Preparation and submission of annual income tax returns, and

  • Fringe benefit analysis and advice.


Tax updates


Our team constantly strives to keep abreast with direct and indirect tax developments. Our knowledge expansion is consequently passed on by keeping you constantly aware of relevant changes by means of :


  • Latest tax updates;

  • Employment related tax updates;

  • Monthly newsletters;

  • Frequent tax alerts on important updates, and

  • Client specific alerts.


Tax services for local businesses and their families


Every transaction has its tax implications. Our team of tax lawyers and accountants can help your  business at every stage of its lifespan.


Whether you are currently faced up with the initial set-up stage, experiencing a process of positive growth, or if the time has come to consider passing on the business to the next generation, you can count on us to help you simplify tax management and oversight whilst still providing visibility to make strategic decisions.


Tax advisory and compliance


Due to constant changes in tax legislation, a deep and ongoing knowledge of tax and statutory requirements is a must in order to instil the comfort needed to avoid incurring unnecessary taxes, whilst maintaining compliance. Our services include:

  • Control of your VAT and income tax position;

  • Transaction specific income tax and VAT advisory services;

  • Reminders of various tax obligations and tax deadlines;

  • Personal and corporate tax planning;

  • Real estate tax advice for property purchase, sale or rental.



Growing your business

Whilst your business is expanding, entering into new ventures and transactions may appear standard, however this will surely give rise to complex income tax considerations and reporting. Throughout the process, our team may:

  • Advice and assist with applications for tax credit incentives;

  • Help ensure full benefit of all applicable fiscal incentives;

  • Assist and advise through mergers and/or acquisitions;

  • Advise on stamp duty and capital gains tax considerations on mergers and/or acquisitions; and

  • Handle and conduct VAT and income tax due diligence on target companies.


Succession planning


Creating a business that will last, whilst at the same time building value that endures is surely every entrepreneur’s dream. Passing on your business to the next generation might be the next step, however, a lack of proper succession planning may result in a tax burden that will significantly reduce the wealth available to future generations.


Our team of tax lawyers and tax accountants can assist with:

  • Review of current structure of ownership;

  • Proposal of a tax efficient succession structure;

  • Stamp duty and tax considerations; and

  • Efficient use of trusts, foundations and other efficient vehicles.


Antoinette Scerri
Director, Co-Founder

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